Develop Robots and Drones easily with Intel Kit

Intel recently launched its Robotic Development Kit and Aero Kit at one of the company’s developer forum in China. These two kits would make it easier for help you to build drones and robots.

Intel is digging deep into the information technology world. recently they introduced a complete kit containing both hardware and software that allow you to control the functionality of your robots easily. A release sense 3D camera is also available with the kit that aids in navigation of the robots and drones. It has the ability to recognize the size and shape of different objects from a far distance. It also uses depth perception and equipped to avoid obstacles.

The kit also has its own circuit board containing forty pin general purpose bus, Gigabit Ethernet, one USB 3.0 port, two USB 2.0 port and an embedded Display port. All these port offer an additional connectivity option to its users. The size of the circuit board is same as a credit card. Although the kit is currently running on the Ubuntu Linux but it also has the ability to support windows operation system such as windows 10.

The good thing about this kit is that Intel decreased the parts price and this software plus hardware kit would only cost you $249 making it as the most affordable kit for drones and robots development. The way Intel is progressing in robotic field we can expect to see many new products in our near future. Intel is aiming to provide more options to people in the field of robots and drone development.

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