UX Ireland 2016

Join UX Ireland on 10-11 November a complete conference that will cover user experience, user research and user interface design communities in Ireland.

UX Ireland would be a great opportunity for designers to get deep insight about their field. UX Ireland 2016 would gather design experts and fellow designers from all over the world. UX Ireland will provide you a new design ideas and skills to further boost your career in design field.

This great event was made possible for you with the hard work and struggle of many teams which include UX Scotland, Service Design in Government, UX Cambridge and UX Studio Graphic Mint. UX Ireland would cover all main areas of designing e.g. rapid prototyping, managing creativity, designing macro services, hamburger menu, sketch of UX and exciting social evenings.

UX Ireland is offering discounted room rates for at Dublin hotels Trinity City Hotel and Hilton Garden Inn Custom House for conference participants from 9th November to 13th November 2016. Book your tickets today before the prices increase.


Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Dublin



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