Email Marketing tactics for startups

Email marketing technology is getting dynamic day by day. There are more than 2,000 software vendors providing you email marketing products.

Email marketing is considered to be the most efficient and effective way to reach new clients. As a startup email marketing provides you an affordable way to reach new customers and keep older one in contact. The skill of successful marketing is more than you think. Just having an email marketing tool is not enough if you are not familiar with simple marketing tactics. Here i am going to share some useful email marketing tactics with you to help your startup stand out from the crowd.

Catchy Subject Lines

In email marketing the subject line plays a crucial role. Therefore subject line should be written in such a way to get the recipient open your email. According to some studies only 17 to 28 percent people open your email or click any link found in them. The key objective for headline optimization is to assure that your readers actually open your email to get the message or information send by you. Hence use these three key points to achieve your objective

You can also use the combination of these three to achieve your objective. Some examples include Hey, Do you know? Hoping to help you. Do not open it? Etc.

Also read: GateKeeper an amazing security tool

Write Short Emails

The ideal length for any email is 50 to 125 words. Always remember that an email should short but never too short. Never follow the words rule strictly, go ahead and include all information that you want to tell to your customers.

Content Plus Promotion

Today filter and spam has become the main barrier in email marketing. Now you have a challenging environment to get the most from your digital email marketing approach. As a result avoid typical promotional content that is just about selling your product. Most of all mix appropriate content with promotional offer to get an edge over others.

Email Newsletter Design  

Most of the time people follow the traditional email newsletter design pattern for their email marketing campaign. Trust me if you want to get the most from your email marketing campaign then pay attention to your email design too. Therefore try to choose different color scheme, pattern ad typography to get your users attention. Basically think from your users perspective because may be you like something that your users wont prefer to even see.

In conclusion this is an inexpensive way to reach millions of customers at a time around the world.One important point is that you have to read your customers mind most of all to save your emails from going into the trash folder.

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