Loreal Smart Hair Brush

Loreal a very famous beauty brand of France recently unveiled a wifi and Bluetooth equipped hair brush named Loreal smart hair brush.

The loreal smart hair brush was revealed in CES 2017 the biggest technology show in Las Vegas. The new loreal smart hair brush is created with the collaboration of Withings that is owned by Nokia, Loreal innovation lab and Kerastase that is a loreal hair product brand. The loreal smart hair brush is designed in such a way that it has built in sensors. These sensors will measure the quality of user’s hair, your brushing habits and helps you to take care of your hair in a better way.

Loreal smart hair brush structure

The Loreal smart hair brush consists of a microphone, a gyroscope, an accelerometer and different sensors and all these are connected with an app. The microphone is used to listen the sound of brushing for pattern identification, a gyroscope and an accelerometer analyze the patterns of brushing and also counts the brush strokes. The loreal smart hair brush sensor receives data to determine whether brush has been used over wet hair or dry hair. It also helps you to know about your hair quality and effect of different hair products.

The app collects all the loreal smart hair brush data for the user. It can tell you that how often you brush your hair and what is the brushing pattern you follow. The loreal smart hair brush also has a built in vibrator to prevent user from hard brushing. So if someone is doing over brushing then it will warn them by turning on the vibrator.

Loreal smart hair brush price and availability

The loreal smart hairbrush will be available in fall at all Kérastase hair saloon and also at online stores. It is assumed that smart hairbrush will cost under $200.

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