Robotic Cop joined Dubai Police

Robotic Cop joined Dubai Police

Let me share great news with you that a Robotic Cop recently joined Dubai Police. So after Lamborghini’s and Ferrari’s people of Dubai would see Robotic Cop wandering on their roads. Amazing!

Dubai police has recently enrolled a robotic officer that will be used to report about crimes. This robotic cop was found on the roads of Dubai near Burj Khilafah where people took selfies of this new Dubai cop.

The robotic cop moves on wheels and it has computer touch screen on its chest. Like ordinary cops also wearing black cap on head. It can speak five language and its weight is 100kg. Brigadier Khaled al-Razzooqi, head of Smart Services at Dubai police said “Our aim is to raise the number of robots to 25 percent of the police force by 2030”.

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This is not the first time that Dubai has amazed people. Last year they had luxury cars as petrol vehicles and now robotic officer.

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