Now buy Waterproof and Stain proof T-Shirt

Now buy Waterproof and Stain proof T-Shirt

Now buy a shirt that will not get wet and dirty.

Yes, now you can buy a T-shirt that will not get wet. Threadsmiths an Australian company based in Melbourne is making kind of T-shirts that will stay dry even after you dribble water or juice on it.
Threadsmiths waterproof T-shirt is made by using the nanotechnology that allows garments to repel different liquids and dirt easily. The good part is that while creating these waterproof and dirt proof clothes they have not use any harmful chemicals. The garment is 100 percent cotton and they are safe to wear like ordinary shirts. They have taken the idea from lotus leaf basically. Threadsmiths waterproof T-shirt remains clean even after dropping ketchup, drinks or juices that is amazing. The shirt stays clean because after water application all the stains vanish like there were not there before.
In start it seems hard to believe but the truth is that you can have a waterproof T-shirt now. On the official website Threadsmiths Company claims that
“Our shirts emulate the natural hydrophobic properties of the lotus leaf. The Cavalier shirt contains no aerosol applications and no dangerous chemicals, and is completely safe to wear – as a shirt should be.”
As it creates a natural self-cleaning effect the new invention means that any residue left on the garment can easily be wiped off, or simply rinsed off with water.”

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On a broader level these shirts will be beneficial for people who serve at places where stains are a common issue such as café, restaurant etc.
Currently company is just producing T-shirts but they are also open for suggestions.

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